Freitag, 30. Dezember 2011

{pretty, happy, funny, real}

Besuche  Tante Leila bei Like, Mother, Like Daughter und bring dein Strickzeug!
Vielleicht auf dieser Art und Weise finde ich  einen neuen Zugang zum Bloggen!
sooooooooooooo auf Deutsch
hübsch, fröhlich, witzig, real

Hübsch und fröhlich
Die Verkündigung
sehr hübsch!
Er schläft! (Fatschenkind = swaddled child)
St. Nikolaus und St. Martin... immer noch!

Real und witzig

5 Kommentare:

  1. Oh, your Baby Jesus is so different from American ones I've seen! All swaddled up - very interesting!
    Merry Christmas!

  2. I didn't understand a word but I did enjoy looking at your lovely decorations! It's so neat to see how Christmas is celebrated and visualized in other parts of the world.

  3. Hi Lisa, a "Fatschinkind" is a bavarian tradition. The head and shoulders are made of wax and then painted. We also have a wooden Nativity like you see in America.

  4. Lindsey, the first picture is a creative(LOL) depiction of the Annunciation.
    Otherwise I just tried to give a German translation for phfr. My husband would translate real a little differently. Actually, he would translate 3 of the 4 differently. HMmmmmmmmm

  5. I love the decorations, but the annunciation is so cute! The tiny spinning wheel is adorable!
